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Rev. John Thomas French


June 2, 1946 - September 22, 1980

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Rev. Dr. Thomas Henry French


June 15, 1981 - August 6, 2017


Rev. Alyce French Johnson


August 13, 2017 - Present



THEREFORE, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, foreasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (I Corinthians 15:58).


The founders of Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. John Thomas French and Mother Lucy Mae French and their children relocated to Louisville, Kentucky from Athens, Alabama in 1937. In Athens, Rev. French and his family were faithful members of the Oak Grove Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.


In 1939, after visiting and fellowshipping with many churches in Louisville, Kentucky, Rev. John Thomas and Mother Lucy French and their family united with the Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church under the pastorate of the late Rev. E. H. Maxwell.  At Morning Star, Rev. J. T. French served as Sunday School superintendent and teacher, as well as chairman of the deacon board. In 1940, Rev. French accepted his call to the ministry. 


In 1946, Rev. French was called to assist a newly established mission with three faithful believers who gathered at 1900 Cedar Street. A short time later the mission relocated to 1121 Magazine Street, and organized into a church with Rev. French being called as the pastor. The church was named Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church, in honor of Rev. French’s home church in Athens, Alabama.  At all of the services, Rev. French could be found worshiping God with his whole heart and doing all that he was called to do to build up God's kingdom on earth.


In 1951, Oak Grove purchased property at 1708 Magazine Street and converted it into a place of worship.  As membership grew, members worked tirelessly to support the upkeep of the church, including hosting church suppers in their homes.


After years of faithfully serving as a loving wife and helpmate to Rev. French and his ministry, Mother Lucy Mae French went home to be with the Lord on December 16, 1964.


In 1969, Oak Grove purchased property at 41st and Vermont to build a church. The church building was dedicated in 1970.  Rev. J. T. French was grateful to God as he opened the doors to the new sanctuary.  Because of God’s grace, the leadership of Rev. J.T. French, and the faithfulness of the members, the 20-year mortgage was paid in full in 6 short years. 


In 1978, Rev. J. T. French became ill, but because of his love for God and his love of the church, he drew on God for strength to continue serving until his death on September 22, 1980.  His prayer was that after his death, the church would continue to move forward for the cause of Christ, and as such he left the church in excellent condition, both spiritually and financially. Following Rev. French’s passing, Rev. Burton Barbour, an associate minister at Oak Grove served in the interim. While we mourned the death of Rev. J. T. French, we continued to pray and seek God's guidance.


Rev. Thomas Henry French (Virginia Garner French) who had acted as his father's armor bearer until his death was called to pastor Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church, and was installed in October, 1981.  Rev. T.H. French, the 3rd of 15 children born to the late Rev. John Thomas and Mother Lucy Mae French, and a charter member of Oak Grove and had faithfully served under his father’s leadership in many capacities including deacon, trustee, Sunday School superintendent and treasurer.  He preached his initial sermon and received his license on June 15, 1981. 


In 1989, under the expert supervision of Rev. T. H. French, (who was also instrumental in erecting the church in 1969) the property at 4033 Vermont (the West Chapel) underwent a renovation. In 1992, the Church Annex at 4040 Muhammad Ali Blvd., was purchased. In 2013, a parking lot expansion was added to the church campus.


On December 5, 2007, Rev. French announced his divine vision for a 30-month Capital Building Fund Campaign for the expansion of our property, to include construction of our new sanctuary (the East Chapel). The Ground-Breaking and Stake Planting Ceremony for the East Chapel was held on Saturday, September 13, 2014 with the theme, “Our Stake is in the West End.” Rev. French’s vision became a reality as we marched into the East Chapel on Sunday, July 12, 2015. Our new edifice brightens the entire corner at night as light shines from its illuminated crosses and steeples. Each day at noon the chimes in the East Chapter send a melodic hymn through the community: “To God be the Glory for the Great Things He Has Done!”


On August 13, 2017, after 36 years of faithful and tireless service as pastor of Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. T. H. French retired, and presently holds the honorary title of Pastor Emeritus. Upon Rev. French’s retirement, Rev. Alyce French Johnson (Deacon Joseph Johnson, Jr.), the granddaughter of Founders Rev. John Thomas French and Mother Lucy Mae French was installed as pastor of Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church.  Rev. French Johnson was licensed in 2000 and ordained in 2008 at Oak Grove. Before becoming pastor, Rev. French Johnson reestablished the Women’s Ministry, joyfully served as a member of the Pastor’s Choir, taught Sunday school, served as an associate minister, and faithfully served as Rev. T.H. French’s administrative assistant.


Oak Grove’s presence in the West End, and Rev. T. H. French’s contributions to the West End and to the church was recognized on Sunday, April 22, 2018, when a street sign in honor of Rev. French was unveiled at the intersection of 41st and Vermont and 41st and Muhammad Ali Blvd. With this unveiling, the street was renamed “Rev. Thomas H. French Way.”


Under the steadfast, focused, and divinely inspired pastorate of Rev. Alyce French-Johnson, Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church continues to be led by God as we, “. . . go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

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